Monday 27 May 2013

Well I met an old man dying on a train.

    It's gonna be a long week. The grade 6s at my school are starting their EQAO assessment, and that means longer class times, shorter breaks. Hopefully AWOLNATION can help me get through that. My new favorite song is called "Kill Your Heroes" by them. It's a really good song. You can find it here: Their my favorite band. Anything by them is a well thought out masterpiece. Unlike whatever Phillip Phillips has to offer. See yesterdays blog for my opinion on that. Maybe I'll consider doing a musical autopsy on one of AWOLNATION's songs. Look for that in the future. 
    Anyway, aside from the fact that this week is gonna suck, there really isn't much to talk about. My graduation is coming up. It's not really a big deal, because it's only grade 8, but everyone seems to think it's this big celebration. It's more of a transition really. And the fact that my school  is a 6 to 12 school makes it even more insignificant. I'm still going to see all my friends from previous years, I'm still gonna see all my teachers from previous years, so I just don't understand why everyone is buying dresses and getting their hair done up. It all just seems so stupid. Me, I'm just gonna put on the nicest clothes that I already own, go to this ceremony, and just hang out. No fancy or flashy stuff. Just me, my hat, and a bunch of friends. 
    We wrote a letter to our future teachers today. I tried to make it as funny, while still straying away from what I am actually like. Around new people, I'm incredibly introverted. I was actually incredibly intimidated by one of my best friends when I first met him, Hell, I still am now, but even more so then. Truth is, his height, his attitude, the fact that he knows Tai-Kwon Do, and his all around personality scared me. I almost felt obligated to become friends with him, because me and my best friend Mason got put into different classes, and we needed to make new friends, so when Mason introduced me to him, I kinda felt like I was supposed to be friends with him. Talking to him was probably one of the best decisions that I have ever made. Becoming friends with him made me realize, that being an introverted person doesn't mean you have to be shy, it just means that you tend to keep to yourself. This guy that I met is awesome (albeit a little scary) and he has become one of my best friends over time.
    I also developed my relationships with a bunch of other people this year. Last year, I felt very secluded, as it was just Mason and I who would hang out. We wouldn't really talk with or meet anyone else. Later in the year last year, I made a bunch of new friends, and those relationships have stuck with me for the past year, and will continue to stick with me forever. There is something about being stuck in the same class with a person all year that sorta forces you to get to know them, and I'm definitely thankful for that.
    For those of you who don't know, I was Student Council President this year. I only got to plan one thing, and that was the Halloween Dance, but due to the whole "We think that the Canadian government is obnoxious so we are going on strike for no apparent reason because we think that we should get paid more even though I can afford to go shopping everyday for the rest of my life" bullcrap, I was cut off, because extra curricular activities got shut down. That ticked me off majorly. The reason why I ran in the first place was because I thought that I should voice the people's opinions and not just my own. Look how that turned out. I'm running a blog in which I voice my own opinions and nobody else's. Point is, I wanted to be the voice of the people, and to this day, people have constantly been coming up to me and asking why we haven't done anything fun anymore, and it bugs me that I have to tell them that I'm not in power anymore, because every time I do, It reminds me that the one time I tried to be in power, was the one time I got shot down. 
    As a result of this, I have decided to embrace the whole "Kill Your Heroes" attitude. Telling people that they don't have to look up to anyone, and to just be yourself has really helped me embrace the fact that I don't need to be at power to voice the people's opinion. I just need to be myself. I guess what I'm saying is all kinda hypocritical, because I just put myself up to be valedictorian, but that's different. I want to be valedictorian to give a speech about all the good times we had, and how all those experiences will change our lives, not about all that "The world is your oyster" crap. Because truth is, we should dwell in the past. It's called reflecting, and if we didn't do it, we wouldn't be able to look forward to the future. 

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